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That is a language that Computers understand; and since, today, in the 21st Century, Computers are everywhere; that means 'binary' is also almost everywhere.
The following online article "Data in the Computer" by cs.uri.edu goes on explaining this in detail.
Representing Data
We have all seen computers do seemingly miraculous things with all kinds of sounds, pictures, graphics, numbers, and text. It seems that we can build a replica of parts of our world inside the computer. You might think that this amazing machine is also amazingly complicated - it really is not. In fact, all of the wonderful multi-media that we see on modern computers is all constructed from simple ON/OFF switches - millions of them - but really nothing much more complicated than a switch. The trick is to take all of the real-world sound, picture, number etc data that we want in the computer and convert it into the kind of data that can be represented in switches, as shown in Figure 1. ...
Read the full article.